Many people go to network events and don’t get much out of it. Here is something you could try.
Work the whole room. Don’t get stuck with just one or two people. When you are given a business card do one of three things
1 If a good hot prospect agree to contact them soon (don’t rely on them contacting you). Put a note on the business card and put it into pocket number one (or compartment one in your handbag)
2 If a good prospect but not as hot as 1 above agree to get in touch soon and put in pocket number two
3 If the contact is of no apparent use still take the card put into pocket 3 and move on to the next person
Follow up action
So the key thing is the follow up. First throw away all the cards in pocket number three. Don’t put their details on your database etc. Get rid of them straight away
Take the cards from pocket one and start contacting them straight away for a follow up meeting or whatever is appropriate. Don’t wait more than say a week to do this.
Once you have worked through pocket number one then move onto pocket number two and contact them. This might just be to make a follow up contact and say you will be back in touch in a few weeks (depending on your dairy)
Keep on “revisiting” the contacts
Once you have done this keep on revisiting those contacts from pocket one and two and keep in touch and try to create opportunities to meet and do business together.
Don’t expect too much from them. You will have to do the hard work. Make yourself a useful contact.
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